Harsh Adani, Content Writer

May 17, 2024

What Is Audio Transcription And Why Do You Need It?

What Is Audio Transcription And Why Do You Need It?

‘I skipped that two-hour important meeting. Can you please brief me?’ 

If you’re a recipient of the above question, it would definitely rattle your nerves to recall and repeat everything again for someone else. Fortunately, you’re a part of the digital world, where technology and digital communication have ensured the rise of audio transcriptions. Unknowingly, you would have already experienced the magic of audio to text conversion through popular streaming platforms, such as YouTube. 

However, whether you are a business professional, researcher, creator, or simply someone who values and prioritizes organized information, audio transcription can be a game-changer. It will streamline all your processes and help you achieve a better output than before. Efficiency of work lies among those who have a knack for accountability and keeping everything on a record. Gone are those days when businesses hire a person to jot down all the pointers or highlights of their offline & virtual meets. Before we dive into that aspect, let’s first understand what is audio transcription and its many nuances.

What is Audio Transcription?

As the name suggests, audio transcription is all about converting spoken language into written text for a user. Audio transcription found its origin years back when a listener meticulously listened to audio or recordings, such as for interviews, meetings, lectures, etc., and then conveniently converted speech to text by transcribing them into a written format. This textual representation makes the spoken content easily searchable, editable, and accessible to a wider audience.

However, those are traditional routes that were fared on by companies until the digital era took over everything. In today’s fast-paced environment, there are numerous automatic transcription services & AI tools available on the Internet that simplify the process & offer the desired output within seconds. 

Now that we’ve discovered what is audio transcription, let’s explore its types, some of which you’d be already acquainted with.

Types of Audio Transcription

You might be familiar with terms such as ‘audio to text conversion’ or ‘speech to text conversion’. However, each type of Audio transcription is meant to suit a specific need. 


Transcripts offer a word-for-word representation of spoken content, capturing pauses and even non-verbal cues. If you’re looking to attain or preserve your interviews, lectures, or calls with the essence of authenticity, then a transcript is the ideal choice. 


If the first thought that crossed your mind upon reading captions was YouTube, then you’re absolutely correct. Captions go a step beyond transcription by synchronizing text with the corresponding audio in videos. This synchronization ensures that viewers, particularly those with hearing impairments or watching without sound, can follow along seamlessly. Captions are an interesting way to keep the users hooked to a video. 


If you’re a fan of watching movies or shows in different languages, then you already know the significance of subtitles. It serves a dual purpose of translation and accessibility. Beyond simply transcribing spoken dialogue, subtitles translate it into different languages, opening up content to a global audience. 

We’ve discovered what is audio transcription and what all its types are. It is time to address the question of the hour.

How Does Audio Transcription Work

A few years back, audio transcription was all about a human touch. However, with the advent of the digital world, it is now a blend of technology and human expertise, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. 


Although audio transcription tools can detect recordings, it is also integral that those audios are of high quality for a smooth & accurate transcription. Recordings can be captured through either digital devices or professional microphones.


The audio file is then processed using speech recognition software or transcribed manually by human transcriptionists.


The transcribed text is reviewed and edited to ensure accuracy and readability.


The final transcript may be formatted according to specific requirements, such as adding timestamps or speaker labels.

Technologies Used In Audio Transcription

Automated Transcription Software

Automated transcription platforms like Konch AI employ cutting-edge technologies such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to convert audio to text efficiently. These platforms continuously improve through data-driven insights, resulting in enhanced accuracy and productivity. With tools such as Konch AI, you can get your transcriptions within minutes.

Speech Recognition Software

Speech recognition software forms the backbone of automatic transcription solutions, enabling the identification and interpretation of spoken words from audio inputs. These software systems analyze audio signals, recognize speech patterns, and convert them into textual representations with varying degrees of accuracy.

Human Transcription Services

Although the approach of human transcription services has declined over the past few years, many customers still prefer a human touch for audio transcriptions.

Expert Transcriptionists 

Human transcription services rely on skilled transcriptionists who possess proficiency, domain expertise, and attention to detail. These professionals accurately transcribe audio content, ensuring precise representation of spoken words, context, and nuances.

Quality Assurance

Human transcription services often incorporate quality assurance measures such as multiple rounds of review, proofreading, and adherence to industry standards. This meticulous approach ensures the delivery of high-quality transcripts that meet the client's specifications and expectations.

The downside to this approach is that it is costly and consumes several hours for a single audio transcription. Here’s where tools like Konch AI take away the biggest piece of the cake.

Benefits of Audio Transcription

The need for audio transcription in today’s world is quite immense. Irrespective of the industry, below are a few of the benefits that every user can take advantage of. 

Accessibility Enhancements

Transcriptions make audio content accessible to individuals with hearing impairments or those who prefer reading over listening. Additionally, it helps content creators to reach a wide audience that extends beyond national boundaries.

Improved Content Usability

Transcribed content is searchable and indexable and can be repurposed for various purposes, such as creating written reports or blog posts.

Industries That Benefit From Audio Transcription

Numerous industries leverage audio transcription to streamline their operations and enhance communication:

Business and Marketing

Transcribing meetings, interviews, and marketing content aids in better communication and content optimization.

Legal and Medical Fields

Transcriptions of legal proceedings, medical dictations, and patient records facilitate documentation and information retrieval.

Academic Research

Researchers utilize transcriptions for analyzing interviews, focus groups, and lectures, aiding in data analysis and publication.

Media and Entertainment

Subtitles and captions improve the accessibility and reach of multimedia content, catering to diverse audiences.

Podcast and Video Production

Transcriptions enable content creators to repurpose their audio and video content for blogs, articles, and social media posts, maximizing audience engagement.

Choosing The Right Transcription Service

Knowing the diverse use of audio transcription in the above industries, it is natural to experience a curiosity that seeks the answer to this question,

‘Which is the ideal transcription service I should choose?’ 

When selecting a transcription service, it's essential to consider factors such as accuracy, turnaround time, security, and cost. Konch AI offers automated transcription solutions that combine accuracy with efficiency, making it a preferred choice for many businesses and professionals. With Konch AI, you can get your transcription in four steps. 

1. Upload your file
2. Select your preferred language
3. Let Konch AI do its magic
4. Get your transcription within seconds & review!


Audio transcription plays a pivotal role in modern communication, offering efficiency, accessibility, and enhanced usability across various industries and purposes. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect further advancements in audio transcription, revolutionizing the way we create, consume, and interact with audio content. However, if you’re utilizing the magic of advanced tools, such as Konch AI, you’re already way ahead in the game.


1. What is the difference between automated and manual audio transcription?

Automated transcription relies on algorithms to transcribe audio, while manual transcription involves human transcriptionists listening to and transcribing the content.

2. How long does it typically take to transcribe one hour of audio?

The time required for transcription varies depending on factors such as audio quality and complexity but typically ranges from 3 to 6 hours for manual transcription. However, if you’re using advanced tools, such as Konch AI, it’s only a matter of minutes.

3. What are the accuracy rates of professional audio transcription services?

Professional transcription services boast accuracy rates ranging from 95% to 99%, depending on the provider and quality assurance measures.

4. Can audio transcription be done for any language?

Yes, audio transcription can be performed for virtually any language, provided there are proficient transcribers or language processing algorithms available. With Konch AI, you can get your audio transcriptions for more than 50+ different languages.

5. What are the costs involved in obtaining audio transcription services?

Costs vary based on factors such as audio length, turnaround time, and additional services required.

Try Konch Today

Embark on a journey with our transcription platform and experience its capabilities firsthand. Decide between our fully AI-generated transcripts or entrust your files to Precision, our dedicated team of experts committed to handling your work with the utmost care